A firefighter started fires for praise and bonuses (2 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 17:36

What do we know about fanatical workaholics who are ready to literally burn everything around them with their enthusiasm and desire to receive praise from their superiors?

It's good when you're praised in front of your colleagues, and even better when you get paid for it. That's what a 39-year-old man from the province of Valparaiso in Chile thought, or something like that. But what if there's no work, no one praises you, and no one gives you money? Well, the fireman took the initiative into his own hands.

This February, in a national park near the coastal town of Viña del Mar, this smart guy set fire to the forest in four places, and the strong wind and the soil dried out by the heat quickly fanned the flames.

So he heroically participated in rescuing local residents whose homes were damaged by the fire. But he was unable to save everyone from the rampage of fire. 137 people died.

Well, the guy was even awarded the title of hero for his “quick” actions, despite the fact that he rushed to the fire without an official order. It was only later, when they began to look into the causes of that colossal fire, that they found the trail of this idiot who had left thousands of people homeless.

When he was arrested and asked why he had started this fire apocalypse, the man said that, in addition to the respect of society, he was counting on being paid for working overtime.

According to the AP, local fire chief Vicente Maggiolo said, “We are extremely concerned about this situation.”

However, he said it was an isolated incident, adding, “We have been saving lives for over 170 years.”

The suspect is the third person arrested in connection with the deadly fire, which officers initially suspected was intentional.

Two others, a 22-year-old firefighter and a park ranger, have been in custody since May.

Prosecutors suspect the trio conspired to start the fires, and a firefighter arrested in May admitted that he and the park ranger hoped to earn overtime pay for fighting them.

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