Kroshik the cat weighing 17 kg tried to escape, but got stuck in a shoe rack (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:37

A Perm cat named Kroshik, who weighed 17 kg, lost a little weight and tried to escape, but got stuck in a shoe rack when leaving the room.

Volunteers from Perm told about the success of an extremely fat cat Kroshik, who began his journey to an ideal figure. It is known that the cat is forced to sit on a diet after many months of not denying himself anything. Apparently, the redhead did not like the new diet and as soon as he could walk, he immediately decided to leave the shelter.

However, the escape plan failed when the fat cat got stuck between the parts of a shoe rack, say volunteers from the Perm shelter "Matroskin". They share news about their charges on social networks, including Kroshik's weight loss successes.

The fat cat came to the shelter in August. He weighed a whopping 17 kg, and was overfed to such a state that the cat could not even move on his own. Kroshik was a street cat and lived near a local hospital. Kind people willingly brought him food. The cat will have to lose at least ten kilograms to return to a full cat life. Veterinarians assume that the fat cat is about 15 years old.

"Kroshik was loved very much. With the same love that leaves no room for being yourself. Kroshik was fed a lot. Bread crumbs, soup, Whiskas, meat," the volunteers say.

They decided to take the cat to their rehabilitation. Specialists have created a special program for the cat's walks. Every week he needs to lose 70 to 150 grams. Kroshik lives in a rehabilitation center, where he will undergo the necessary physical therapy. Recently, volunteers showed a video of the cat walking on a treadmill to restore the mobility of his limbs.

In a few weeks, the cat has already lost a little weight and began to move independently. Experts noted that despite his large size, the cat behaves like an active and young animal.

“Kroshik was prescribed hydrotherapy and kinesiotherapy 3-4 times a week. The cost of one session is 10-13 dollars,” the shelter said and thanked everyone who provides financial assistance to the fat cat.

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