China announces increase in retirement age for the first time in 46 years (3 photos)

Today, 17:37

So China is also faced with the fact that the population is aging and the number of workers is decreasing.

For the first time since 1978, Beijing has decided to raise the retirement age.

Currently, women retire at 55, and men at 60. Now, from January 1, 2025, a 15-year period of smooth transition to a new age begins. Ultimately, men will retire at 63 and women at 58.

“The world’s second-largest economy is preparing to face a shrinking population in the coming years, which will inevitably lead to a labor shortage. In this regard, Beijing has decided to raise the retirement age: in particular, for working men it will be raised from 60 to 63 years, and for women - from 50 and 55 years (for workers and employees) to 55 and 58, respectively.

This step was taken against the backdrop of growing difficulties faced by households due to the crisis in the real estate and labor markets.”

The Japanese, sadly admitting that their population is inevitably aging, have decided to gradually move the retirement age from 65 to 70. In the UK, both men and women born after April 6, 1978, now have a state pension age of 68. At the same time, local authorities are looking at the Japanese and thinking about raising the age to 70.

Denmark, Australia and Norway have also decided not to make concessions to women and are letting them retire on par with men at 67.

On average in Europe, men work until 65 almost equally with women, the difference is a year or two.

Women are now most at ease in Mongolia and Uzbekistan, they retire at 55.

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