Fashionable Acupuncture Technique Turns People Into Porcupines (5 photos)

Yesterday, 19:15

A Japanese acupuncture clinic has shocked the public - its clients look like they were tortured into confessions by medieval inquisitors. At the very least, hundreds of needles are sticking out of their faces, and it looks... a little uncomfortable, to say the least.

They leave behind micro-wounds, don't they?

Everyone knows about acupuncture, it is believed that this ancient practice helps to cure physical and spiritual ailments. But since it “lives” at the intersection of traditional and proven medicine, each individual master tries to come up with his own technique to stand out from the crowd.

And so the Shirakawa clinic in Tokyo stood out, really stood out. It sticks needles into different parts of the clients’ bodies, but most importantly – into the face. To relieve muscle stiffness, and also to drive away possession by evil spirits. Why didn’t they also write that they raise IQ and improve foot odor at the same time?

A porcupine girl for 80s fantasy

One such session, where they stick needles into your face, costs 200,000 yen.

A lot of Japanese celebrities go to these sessions now – actors, tennis players, singers, gymnasts. The only thing that confuses me is the commentary of the clinic owner and the author of the method.

They remind me of Emhyr from The Witcher

"Most people who undergo my treatment cannot help but cry. This is a manifestation of the purification of the soul. These are tears of detoxification," said Yusaku Shirakawa.

Well, thank you, in my opinion, in acupuncture it is not customary to bring the client to tears. But this, too, apparently, is a "unique author's method."

Brrr, I feel a little uncomfortable, and you?

The clinic's official website states that the procedure involves the use of sharp metal needles, so "some pain will be felt." If they write this right on the official website, then in reality, your eyes will pop out of your head. It's like they say in dentistry: "There will be slight discomfort."

Do you believe that this really helps a lot?

It looks very impressive, but I would never go. Not only is acupuncture not entirely proven, but it's also in your face. It's not worth it, what do you think?

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