Brazilian Polygamist Loses Another Wife (5 photos)

Yesterday, 19:15

A man who had nine partners fell into despair. Arthur O'Urso had experienced several breakups recently. His chosen ones were tired of free relationships.

Casanova complained that his 51-year-old wife left him. She was tired of a strict schedule of intimacy.

Arthur hoped that the schedule would allow him to distribute love equally, but not everyone liked it. Fortunately, he will not be left without consolation. The Brazilian is currently dating Luana Cazaki (27), Emelli Souza (21), Valkyrie Santos (24), Damiana (23) and Amanda Albuquerque (28).

He explained: "My ex decided she wanted more than my schedule could offer. She wanted a monogamous relationship, she was tired of free love.

O'Urso had a hard time breaking up with his wife, but he managed to find some positives in the situation.

"Losing a wife is like losing a part of yourself, but life goes on. Now that there are five of us, it's easier for me to devote myself to each of them. More time for intimacy. Look, having five wives is a full-time job!"

"And the [sex] schedule ensures that each of them gets my attention. It may be routine, but the quality of the "service" is 100%. Sometimes I wonder if my heart has limits, but for now, five wives are enough! This may seem strange to those who are not in the know. But I take care of each one, it's not just sex, it's attention and care," added the harem owner.

Arthur lives with his chosen ones in a spacious house with a copy of the Garden of Eden and a swimming pool. The interior is decorated with 5,000 erotic and artistic objects. The man and his "concubines" sleep on a golden bed and often visit the fetish room. Who knows, maybe another woman will be tempted to move in!

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