Why domestic dogs are inferior to cats in everything, forgiving even outright impudence (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

Street dogs often chase cats, but behave completely differently with domestic ones. Why do domestic dogs tend to give in to cats in any conflicts, even if cats are clearly unfair and impudent towards them?

Dogs "lose the gift of speech" from cat impudence

Sometimes they simply do not know how to act, because it would never occur to them, for example, to take someone else's bed or kennel. And when a cat shamelessly takes a dog's resting place, the dog simply looks at it in surprise and does not know what to do. Therefore, he does nothing.

He does not want to spoil relations with his pack mate

A domestic dog perceives a cat as a full member of his domestic pack, and therefore a friend and companion for a pleasant time spent together, including games. A cat can do without a dog, but a dog will be very sad without a cat's company. So the dog makes concessions to the cat in everything.

The owner strictly forbids quarrels, and the owner's word is law

If a cat builds relationships with a person on an equal footing, then a dog takes the role of a subordinate. The dog is very focused on the owner, very dependent on his approval. And the owner forbids offending the cat, no matter what she does.

A domestic dog loves its cat

A cat that lives in a house is your own cat. On the street, a dog may continue to chase the neighbors', but not only does he not offend his own, but he also does not let other dogs offend him. He takes care of her as best he can, keeps her warm, allows her to sleep on top of him and eat from his bowl, and helps raise kittens.

You can give in to your own cat. It's not shameful. And it is necessary to help and protect. A domestic dog is a friend and companion for a cat. And a cat willingly takes advantage of this.

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