A satellite image of an oil depot in the Rostov region that burned for 16 days has appeared after the attack of Ukrainian drones

Yesterday, 12:03

On Monday, September 2, the fire at the oil depot near Proletarsk in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation was finally extinguished. The facility burned for 16 days. A satellite image of the oil depot after the fire has appeared. The corresponding satellite photo was published by the Russian service of Radio Liberty, Censor.NET reports.

Journalists compared satellite images before the strike (August 16) and after the fire was extinguished (September 2).

The image clearly shows that a large number of tanks were badly burned as a result of the fire.

According to the publication, more than 30 tanks were damaged, each of which could contain up to 500 cubic meters of fuel.

Local authorities claim that 49 rescuers were injured during the firefighting.

Let us recall that on the night of August 18, the Defense Forces struck the Kavkaz plant in the Rostov region, where oil and oil products were stored, which were also supplied for the needs of the Russian occupation army. The strike by the Defense Forces was subsequently confirmed by the General Staff.

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