On the bank of a river in Switzerland, a "head" of a humanoid creature was found (3 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 17:00

A couple from Switzerland found a "head" of a humanoid creature with large eyes and a long neck on the river bank. The corresponding photos with the caption "Found the head of an alien statue in the river" first appeared on one of the Reddit forums, collecting more than 61 thousand likes and many comments.

"We were collecting stones on the banks of the Linth River in Switzerland. At the end of the walk, we noticed a block that had a blue tint with a sheen. My girlfriend joked that the figure looked very much like an alien. When we looked closer, it turned out that it really was the head of something similar to an alien in life size," he recalls in an interview.

Later, the author of the post found out that the sculpture was made by students who lived in an old house nearby many years ago.

"One of them used silicone molds to cast concrete sculptures. He made this head without a body and painted it with fluorescent paint that glows in the dark. Eventually, the students had to move out and the house was sold. The statue was apparently lost or thrown into the river, where it lay until I came," the man adds.

By the way, in early March of this year, the Pentagon released a report on unidentified flying objects (UFOs), which stated that investigations conducted by the US government after the end of World War II did not find any evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial technology.

"All efforts at all levels have concluded that most of the sightings were mundane objects and phenomena that were the result of mistaken identity," the report says.

Former US Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie also denies rumors of extraterrestrial intelligence.

"To date, I have not seen anything that would indicate an alien visit, an alien crash, or anything like that," he assured.

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