A man made a small mobile home

Yesterday, 18:51

A Canadian is tired of the housing crisis and has created a mobile mini-house. The author of the video believes that such housing is easy to produce and will help in the fight against homelessness.

A resourceful Canadian and the author of this video wanted to solve the problem of homelessness and created a miniature mobile home. It turned out to be a kind of “all inclusive” for urban nomads. This masterpiece of micro architecture contains all the attributes for a full-fledged modern life - a bed for sweet dreams of a better future, a microwave for warming up yesterday's pizza and a toilet. Because even the smallest house should have a place for privacy.

The creator of this miracle on wheels claims that his invention is not just a way to save on rent, but a real crusade against homelessness. The idea of ​​​​giving out such mobile homes to the homeless sounds like a plot for a dystopian novel, where all the city's residents are constantly on the move, escaping from rising real estate prices. However, given the ease of production of these bike homes, perhaps the inventor's dream of providing all homeless people with a compact roof over their heads will come true.

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