A plane’s departure was delayed in India due to a fight between a mongoose and a cobra on the runway (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 03:45

A video taken by a passenger on the plane shows a cobra attacking a mongoose, which tries to dodge its blows but does not run away.

It is not specified where exactly the delayed flight was headed, but a video of the fight between the two animals was filmed from the plane. It shows a cobra attacking a mongoose, which tries to dodge its blows but does not run away. Later, two of its relatives approach the mongoose, but they do not engage in a fight.

The fight is reminiscent of scenes from Rudyard Kipling's story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" (1893). But such fights in the wild occur often, since mongooses and cobras have a similar diet. In addition, cobras often hunt baby mongooses, and the latter eat adult snakes.

Who ultimately won this fight is not specified. But, as experts note, in 80% of such fights, it is the mongooses who win. Their bodies are able to cope with cobra venom, and their innate reaction and thick skin create even more advantages for these animals.

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