You can earn money: a man "hunts for treasures" after a festival (2 photos + 1 video)

Today, 03:45

Ethan Overton claims that people leave behind a lot of useful things that can still be used and useful. However, he follows a few rules.

Ethan Overton went on a "treasure hunt" after a music festival that took place in Reading, England. He shared his findings in one of his TikTok videos.

The man admitted that he went to the muddy fields after the festival ended on the weekend. It turned out that this is a great place to collect free things. According to him, this is a good way to make good money, but you need to follow a few rules.

Ethan said there are boundaries to respect, like not disturbing people in tents, but he says it's okay to look at things that have clearly been left behind.

"Personally, I say if you find a phone, an expensive electronic device, or a wallet, don't be rude. But if you're like the guy behind me and found some air mattresses, go ahead and help yourself. I'd say that's a really nice gesture," he explained.

Ethan said he doesn't know why the organizers don't open the area up to the public so they can take away their unwanted items. He said items like sleeping bags and barbecues could be donated to charity as many of them are left without an owner and go to waste.

Many people were baffled by what the man had found. They were surprised by the items that festival-goers ignore after the festival has finished.

"My dad used to do this about 20 years ago at Glastonbury every year. He would take all the tents and sell them on eBay", "We love to go shopping after Glastonbury", "They should open it up for charities to clean, store, resell etc", "Even if it looks like it's been abandoned you should try to return it to its owner," they wrote.

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