In Singapore, a man figured out how to get even with his disobedient wife, but instead went to prison (5 photos)

Today, 03:45

He wanted to take advantage of the severity of the law, but it didn't work out.

A 37-year-old Singaporean got married in 2021 and soon regretted it. The couple constantly quarreled and soon separated. But they could not get an official divorce - there is a rule that a marriage can only be dissolved by those who have been officially married for at least 3 years.

The man decided that if his wife turned out to be a criminal, he would get a divorce faster. So he planted half a kilo of cannabis in her car, after which he called the police. Singapore has the strictest laws regarding drugs, and if someone is found with a serious amount of substances, they can easily sentence them to death. This is what the offended husband was counting on.

He just didn’t take into account that there was a camera in the car that recorded his suspicious fuss.

So when the woman was arrested and an investigation began, they quickly found out that she was not guilty of anything. Then they admired the face of the unlucky husband on the recording and came for him. He quickly cracked and ended up getting almost 4 years in prison. His revenge failed.

An even more interesting story happened in Taiwan. There, a married couple had been married for many years and were raising two children. Then the man began to suspect his wife of cheating on him. Apparently, the lady had been cheating hard and with passion - since he was so worried. He stuffed his house with hidden cameras and within a couple of weeks was watching a home video with his wife and some random guy in the lead roles.

The husband showed the recording to his dumbfounded other half and said that they should separate. They even seemed to have agreed on the division of property, and then the lady backed out, so they went to court together. There, the cheater said that installing hidden cameras in the house is a direct invasion of privacy, both hers and the children's.

The judge tolerantly sided with the wife and gave the confused man 3 months in prison. This was to teach him a lesson in intruding. He tried to appeal this decision, but his claims were rejected and he was sent to prison.

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