It's fashionable to eat live shrimp in Thailand – Gourmandism and cruelty? (3 photos + 1 video)
There is a street food in Thailand called Gong Ten or Dancing Shrimp. And it looks exactly like it sounds, because it consists of live freshwater shrimp. They are marinated alive and jump off the plate themselves.
Poor little transparent ones
It looks very cute at first glance - it is a bunch of small translucent shrimp trying to escape from a cup. Of course, because they are about to be eaten alive.
It's all the rage in northern Thailand now, sold in snack bars and shops from display tables in the middle of the room, in disposable packaging, live freshwater shrimp in a spicy marinade of ground chili peppers, lime juice, fish sauce, mint, chopped shallots and lemongrass. And ready-made sticky rice next to it to wash down the spice.
They're wiggling their antennae, poor things
You won't find anything fresher
People like Dancing Shrimp because it's literally the freshest ready-made dish in the world, because it just jumps off the plate. After all, the shrimp are scorched by the spicy marinade in the cup. Judging by the reviews, it's very tasty, a rich combination of flavors and an appetizing texture.
When I first tried the Dancing Shrimp, I immediately experienced pure pleasure, I just froze in place - I didn't expect it to be so incredibly delicious, - shares culinary blogger Mark Vince.
They can really RUN AWAY, they are very nimble, if you can turn on the video, here they are jumping:
What is characteristic is that while moving, the shrimp itself gets smeared in the sauce, so you don’t even need to mix the salad – everything is for you!
The Thais say that this is just a way to help the shrimp continue its existence in us. That something must die so that we can live on. And live correctly and better, to worthily continue the spirit that sacrificed its life for our nutrition.
But somehow I doubt it, even Buddhism approves of such devouring. I clearly remember that Buddha made a special loud noise when he walked, in order to scare away all sorts of creatures and insects and not accidentally crush them in the grass.

But my mother cooked at home, probably the Primorsky residents are just practicing
For me, it's not an appetizing culinary adventure at all. Like eating live octopuses or whatever else they offer. Yes, everyone on earth eats each other, but why make fun of them?