Features of life in Thailand, which will not be told in guidebooks (16 photos)

23 June 2023

Each country has its own peculiarities of life. In Thailand for example, traditional desserts are prepared right on the street, drinks are served in bags and in kindergartens sleep on the floor. Let's find out what's in this Asian country still interesting?

1. Floating solar panels were installed in Tai

2. This is how the breakfast of almost any tourist included in accommodation in Thailand will look like

3. Instruction in the local toilet

4. There you can see the most unusual creatures

5. Right on the street, locals cook a traditional Thai dessert - khanom krok - coconut-rice fritters

6. More exotic food for people from other countries, wrapped in leaves

7. Taxi in Thailand

8. These things are specially installed on cars there so that you can stand on them and drive

9. This is how they serve drinks

10. Disabled parking sign

11. Militant monkey clans arrange a showdown right in the middle of cities

12. Painting houses looks like this - not very safe

13. In kindergartens, they sleep without beds.

14. Just a train passing through the market

15. Thai-grown banana

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