Features of life in Germany, which will not be told in guidebooks (16 photos)

22 March 2023

The best way to learn about the situation in the country is to help non-school textbooks and not even guidebooks, but local ones. Thanks to photos from social media users who live in Germany can learn a lot interesting things about the country.

1. Cryptocurrency ATMs appear in Germany

2. "Ordered tea in Germany. Milk added to hot water. Tea bag on the side. Looks like a crime."

3. In 2022, more e-bikes were sold in Germany than conventional ones.

4. Even ordinary supermarkets have car chargers

5. Local politician suggested that cyclists pay for parking. A group of cycling activists from Germany took advantage of this offer

They brought their bikes into town, put them on the maximum possible number of parking spaces, depriving motorists opportunities to park, and paid for parking.

6. During traffic jams in Germany, drivers pull to the side of the road to leave room for emergency services to pass.

7. The bus has the ability to monitor your luggage to prevent theft

8. It looks like a bridge in the style of Lego in one of the cities in Germany

9. The most beautiful library in Munich - "Juristische Bibliothek"

10. This is the Singing House in one of the courtyards of the Kunsthof Art Passage in Dresden

Rain pouring down drainpipes of various lengths and diameters plays a peculiar melody on the pipes.

By the way, there are five courtyards in the Artistic Passage: fairy creatures, metamorphosis yard, animal yard, elements yard and yard Sveta. Each courtyard is decorated thematically.

11. Vending machines sell farm produce.

12. There is inflation in the country, users share their purchases: this is a basket of 24 euros

And this is for 100 euros

13. Harold from memes actually advertised flights to Germany

14. Images on cigarettes

And what seemed to you the most surprising and applicable to life in your country?

23 March 2023
Ну, извините. Полумесячный запас продуктов за сотню, при минималке полторы тиши - это катастрофа глобального масштаба.
23 March 2023
1 247 comments
Полумесячный? Там не всем на неделю хватит на одного. А если дети есть так вообще без шансов.
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