112-year-old Briton becomes oldest man in the world (3 photos)

Today, 03:46

On August 26, John Tinniswood from Liverpool turned 112 years old. The Briton was recognized as the oldest person in the world in April this year, when 114-year-old Venezuelan Juan Vicente Perez died.

John has been a Liverpool Football Club fan all his adult life and has witnessed 17 of their 19 English Championship wins and all eight Cups.

He was born when the club was just 20 years old.

John said: "To be honest, I'm no different from anyone else. I don't feel this age and I don't worry about it. Maybe that's why I've lived to this day."

When the retiree was asked what the secret was to his longevity, he replied:

"I can't think of any special secrets. When I was younger, I was quite active, I walked a lot. Whether that has anything to do with it, I don't know. I don't feel special. I'm just like everyone else."

Tinniswoode thinks it's a matter of chance, just luck.

Asked about his diet, he said: "I eat what I'm given, like everyone else. I don't have a special diet."

He added sheepishly: "You either live a long life or a short life, and there's nothing you can do about it."

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