Children stuck a slipper between the elevator doors and got stuck for 9 hours (5 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
Today, 03:46

Parents of two young residents of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) raised the alarm when their children, who went to the store, did not return home.

To track the path of the 11-year-old and 10-year-old boys, the police used CCTV cameras and found out that the children did not even leave the house. They were stuck in the elevator, sitting there for 9 hours.

Luckily, the ordeal did not affect the boys' health, and very soon angry responses from users outraged by the poor quality of the elevators began to spread across the Internet.

However, it is not that simple. It turned out that the boys are not little poor fellows at all, but little hooligans. On the way down in the elevator, they stopped two floors below and when the doors opened, they shoved a slipper between them as a joke.

The doors closed again, but the elevator broke down. Even after the boys pulled out the stuck shoes, the elevator did not start moving again, and pressing different buttons several times did not help. Well, I want to believe that the pranksters learned their lesson.

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