In China, a nurse saved a premature baby born on board an airplane (3 photos)

Today, 03:46

The birth took place at 25 weeks of pregnancy, and at first the baby showed no signs of life.

A passenger surnamed Zhang, who was 25 weeks pregnant, was flying from Haikou City to Beijing with her four-year-old daughter. She was supposed to meet her husband there.

She suddenly went into labor. After the birth, which took place in the toilet, the flight attendants announced that the newborn needed emergency medical care.

Chen said that she then saw a woman in the toilet holding a baby the size of a palm. According to her, the baby was too pale, did not cry or breathe, and had no pulse.

The baby weighed only 820 grams

Together with two doctors who were also on board, Chen managed to save the baby. In particular, she performed CPR on him for an hour and a half, and maintained his body temperature with a bag of warm water provided by the flight attendants.

The plane made an emergency landing in the city of Changsha, and the baby was taken to a local hospital. “It wasn’t until I saw the baby being carried to the intensive care unit that I realized my arms were numb,” Chen said.

Zhang’s husband immediately went to see his wife and child. He said that his second daughter weighed only 820 grams at birth, and that she gained 50 grams in two weeks in the hospital. He promised to tell the girl about her savior.

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