A resident of Spain burned her daughter's rapist (3 photo)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
8 August 2024

Maria del Carmen Garcia's daughter was only 13 years old when she was raped by her 62-year-old neighbor Antonio Cosme in 1998. The pedophile was sent to prison for nine years. However, in June 2005, he was allowed to go home for the weekend, which is when he met his victim's mother.

Cosme approached Garcia and asked with a grin: "How is your daughter?" After that, he went into a cafe where Maria's family often went. Filled with fear and rage, the woman ran to a gas station to get a can of gasoline. After some time, she entered the establishment, doused Antonio with fuel and set him on fire. He received burns to 90 percent of his body and died in hospital.

That same day, police found a disoriented Garcia in the port, she confessed to her desperate act. The woman claimed that she wanted to scare or seriously injure the rapist for torturing her daughter.

The mother was sentenced to nine years in prison. The family's story touched the hearts of people throughout Spain, causing a storm of indignation: campaign participants wrote petitions that collected thousands of signatures. Maria ended up spending five years in prison.

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