The Englishman made 667 tattoos with his daughter’s name and got into the Guinness Book of Records (4 photos)

Category: Tattoo, PEGI 16
14 September 2023

He has 267 tattoos on his back and 200 on each leg.

Mark Owen Evans set the world record back in 2017. Then he painted his back with a design in the form of the Guinness Book of Records, on on the pages of which the name of his newborn daughter was written 267 times Lucy.

But in 2017, he was overtaken by 27-year-old US resident Diedra Vijel - She has her name tattooed on her body 300 times. Then Evans decided didn’t give up and got 400 new tattoos. Again in honor of Lucy.

“I couldn’t wait to take back the record and dedicate it to my daughter,” he said.

It took the tattoo artists 5.5 hours, and Evans set a new world record.

After that, he admitted that his first “tattoo achievement” was installed to celebrate the birth of my daughter. At the same time I wanted to collect money for the hospital that cared for her in the first months of her life. A then he said that he would not have new children. After all, he will have to to do “something larger-scale”, but there is not enough free space.

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