The melted lizard is the main friend of the Pakistani (6 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
1 January 2000

In Pakistan, every man knows where to buy, and most importantly, why to buy rendered fat from a large lizard, locally called “sanda tel”. And no, this is not a remedy for arthritis or back pain, this is what is used all over the country for “male strength”, potency, that is.

Where can I buy fresher lizard fat?

They are sold along the roads, simply on laid out cardboards, where street vendors have laid out their simple belongings - a burner, a saucepan, and the Indian lizards themselves. So that people can see for themselves that the product is not a fake.

And to make it easier to find a merchant (and also so that the rendered fat does not smell so disgusting), a pinch of saffron, cinnamon, and other aromatic stimulating spices are added to the fat.

This is how potions are prepared, hygiene products - socks!

Where should I put this oil?

I thought it was for internal use, to strengthen the body from the inside. But no, lizard fat is a topical ointment. Yes, you need to smear it there if you want it to last a long time and everything like that.

In addition to strength, traders also promise that the penis will become larger and premature ejaculation will go away.

Cute fat lizards, enough for many bottles!

A small portion of this drug is inexpensive, less than 2 dollars. This is tens of times cheaper than official pharmacy analogues. Moreover, the authorities are reluctant to allow such drugs as Viagra into the country’s market, because they allegedly contradict the cultural values ​​of the country. (Lizard fat apparently does not contradict them).

Almost all lizards were melted for fat

It would seem that they smear and smear, which means it helps them. So much so that people come from other countries for a miracle cure.

They look like they are alive, and the traders say that they are alive, just in a trance

But the trouble is that lizards suitable for this task are classified as “vulnerable”, that is, this species is easily exterminated and is in danger of global extinction.

There are entire cartels of poachers who go to the desert for lizards. That is, they don’t let you hunt for them, but if you sell fat from an already dead lizard, then they can’t attract you, in case you found it already dead.

But this one’s merchants are already dead and somewhat sickly

The reviews are quite positive, although the oil does not relieve the problem, but only helps temporarily. That is, it needs to be used constantly, but many Pakistanis say that they had children thanks to it. Previously, they could not conceive a child due to constant premature ejaculation.

And they are caught so mercilessly that for some reason there is simply a huge problem with erectile dysfunction in Pakistan. In 2003, a massive study was conducted, and then the incidence rate was 80.8%. True, a study in 2020 revealed only 22%. Which is also quite a lot, almost a quarter of the adult male population.

The crowd and people around are not weak, as you can see

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