In Japan, a neural network has become an overseer who needs to smile (5 photos)

Yesterday, 22:43

Japanese supermarkets have implemented a neural network to improve service performance. Sounds as neutral as possible? But the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up because of what the Japanese came up with.

What is the use of a neural network?

The Japanese supermarket chain AEON has immediately implemented an artificial intelligence system in 240 of its stores to evaluate and standardize the smiles of its employees. That is, now the technology evaluates whether you smiled well when you punched the goods.

This supermarket chain has lost its edge!

And they didn’t just smile! In total, each employee is assessed simultaneously on 450 parameters, including the tone of voice in which he spoke to the client. Did he say hello and goodbye to the buyer correctly? Previously, this was assessed by periodic secret shoppers, but now it is assessed by a soulless neural network throughout the shift.

As AEON management said, the initial implementation of this tracking system in 8 stores with 3,400 employees increased service rates by 1.6 times in just three months. That is, about 3,400 employees were tortured with an artificial smile, when you don’t want the neural network and INDICATORS to be better.

Neryonka evaluates the quality of a smile, hello dystopia

The company said its goal is to “standardize employee smiles and maximize customer satisfaction.”

What does everyone think about this

Of course, there have been speculations online that this is a system of employee harassment in the workplace. Because Japan already has some of the most tortured sellers, they bow when a buyer comes to them. And customers in Japan are so spoiled by the “customer is always right” system that there is a whole social problem - customers who go to humiliate cashiers in stores if they are having a hard day.

Or maybe just a silicone mask with a smile instead of your face?

A recent survey in Japan identified about 30,000 cashiers and salespeople who had been bullied by customers. And now the neuron will also measure them so that they smile at the same time.

We should have replaced everything with robots instead of mocking a person like that!

I will say for myself that I absolutely do not need the cashier to smile at me. He is a living person, and all he has to do for me is quickly and accurately punch the products. And let him do this with any face he wishes. And I don’t even go to stores where consultants can only stand, like Letual. Unpleasant feeling.

A smile is a gift that a random person gives you out of generosity, and not an object of violence against a person.

A stern cashier never bothers me, I have my own things to do in life

Why is it okay for Japanese people to go to a supermarket and know that people are being tortured there? After all, the company was not afraid to implement this and get negative feedback from customers, which means it’s normal there and is taking root. That's what's scary, not the neural network.

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