A sad but interesting find: a man showed an object he found on the beach (2 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 22:43

A fan of walking with a metal detector noticed a closed jar with a touching note. The man decided to share his find with social network users.

A US treasure hunter was shocked to discover the find, which he had to properly rebury in the sand. A man was looking for lost items on the beach. He showed his find on the popular forum Reddit.

The beach is an excellent place to find objects for those who like to walk with a metal detector. A user with the nickname Leading_Ad_9732 told about one of these walks.

"A sad but interesting find. I found it buried 6 inches down on the Oregon coast. When I saw the paper, I thought it might be related to caches. Judging by the amount of ashes, I suspect there are several more of these caches in his other favorite places. Yes, I put it in its place,” he signed his photo, which he showed on the forum.

The photograph showed a jar containing a piece of paper, which indicated that the rest of the contents were the ashes of a person who died in 2011 at the age of 12 (a month shy of his 13th birthday). The note, written by his mother, contained a request: if the jar is found, put it back in its place.

"The lid was painted metallic with a plastic trim on the threads, so it was easy to open and would not corrode. I'm guessing Mother wasn't thinking about us when she picked out the container, but then again, she left a note. Judging by the location, I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m not the first to dig it up,” the treasure hunter added.

Many Reddit users expressed their sadness over the discovery in the comments.

“My mother probably kept the ashes in a jar so he could come back and visit her,” “It’s both sad and wonderful at the same time,” “Where I come from, this is not allowed, and I’m trying to imagine what it would be like to encounter something like this.” personally. I don’t want to say that I think there is anything wrong with this. It’s hard, but at the same time, I hope that the parent was able to find peace and happiness,” they wrote.

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