Occupants inspect a burnt self-propelled gun that was attacked by a swarm of Ukrainian drones

23 July 2024
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A swarm of Ukrainian drone bombers destroyed the enemy Msta-S self-propelled guns. As Censor.NET reports, a video has been published online in which the occupiers are filming the result of the combat work of Ukrainian drone operators.

“The Russian 152-mm MSTA-S self-propelled artillery mount was destroyed by a group strike by Ukrainian drone bombers. The self-propelled gun is equipped with a “barbecue”, serious protection was installed. However, the drone operators acted in a coordinated manner - the self-propelled gun attacked until it was completely burned out. One of the ammunition did not work and A Russian artilleryman shows it - this is a tandem cumulative grenade PG-7VR. A group strike of drones made it possible to destroy the protective “barbecue” and accurately hit the combat vehicle itself. This is what the best and cheapest counter-battery warfare looks like,” the author of the publication writes in a commentary.

Attention! Profanity!

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