China introduced a program to destroy asteroids (3 photos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
Today, 08:58

The victim has already been chosen, the date is planned. But the distance from our planet is still being determined.

The Chinese National Space Administration said it has developed a plan to protect the Earth from asteroids and other space bodies that could make a catastrophic collision with us. For these purposes, a special mission will be launched in 2030 to test the possibility of changing the orbit of potentially dangerous objects.

The position of asteroid 2015 XF261 as it approaches Earth on July 9, 2024.

As the first experimental victim, the Chinese chose a small - 30-meter - asteroid (NEO) 2015 XF261. By the way, he has already flown to us, and only recently. It was recorded at 50 million kilometers on June 9, 2024. Scientists are confident that each time the asteroid will approach us closer and closer.

2015 XF261 will pass by the Earth in March and May 2027, but the asteroid at this time will still be 32 million kilometers from our planet. But by this time the Chinese will not have time to prepare to study it.

China's National Space Administration may attempt a rendezvous with 2015 XF261 in April 2028, when the asteroid will be about 21 million kilometers away. But the best chance for such a mission appears to be in April 2029, when the asteroid will approach within 6.8 million kilometers of Earth. Another good opportunity will come in April 2030, when 2015 XF261 will come within about 4.4 million miles 7.1 million kilometers of Earth.

A research probe will be sent to it to obtain information about its geology and composition. These observations will be carried out three months after the probe enters orbit of the asteroid. After receiving the necessary information, a drone filled with explosives will be sent to the studied asteroid. And the probe will remain for another year in this area to study and analyze materials obtained after the explosion.

If everything goes according to plan, the cosmic body will have to change its flight path.

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