The occupiers who survived near Liptsy complain to Putin

Today, 00:45

"Why is this attitude towards us? We signed a contract to eradicate fascism, and fascism is already among us"

The occupiers who survived near Liptsy in the Kharkov region turned to the Russian dictator Putin and complained about their commanders, who deliberately sent their unit for “disposal.” The video message from the Russians was published by the editor-in-chief of Censor.NET Yuri Butusov on his page on social networks.

“The occupiers from the third battalion of the seventh motorized rifle regiment published a video in which they complain to Putin about heavy losses in the Nakharkov direction. This unit, like the entire seventh regiment, has been fighting for the village of Liptsy since May 12 with the 13th brigade of the NSU “Charter”. Many occupiers from this units were captured. I filmed the corpses of their henchmen on the support units destroyed by the Charter. Part of this battalion escaped. On the recording, the contract soldiers of the RF Armed Forces from the Kharkov direction suddenly realized that they were simply being disposed of by commanders whom they had not even seen. about this, contact the supreme disposer - Putin. Of the 110 people in their company, less than 25 remain. Respect to the heroes of the Charter and the soldiers from other units who are fighting in this direction. Such recognition of the enemy is high-quality combat work! Butusov in the commentary to the video.

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