A wolf hunt is underway: the real Dexter (7 photos)

Today, 04:11

He committed his first murder at the age of 14, and went to prison when he was only 19 years old. And he managed to kill even when he was already arrested.

It is worth noting that Pedro Rodriguez Filho received his first beating while still in the womb. An aggressive alcoholic father kicked his pregnant wife in the stomach, causing the baby to be born with a dent in its skull. Rodriguez said that this is likely what made him a person who could fly into a rage at any moment.

Filho admitted that he first felt an irresistible urge to kill at the age of 13, when he got into a fight with his cousin. During the struggle, he pushed him into a mechanical cane press and planned to leave him there. At the last moment the boy came to his senses and helped his brother get out. Just a year later, Pedro shot and killed the vice-mayor of the municipality of Santa Rita do Sapucai. The reason for the reprisal was the dismissal of Filho's father from his position as a security guard (for theft). And at the same time he also shot the partner of the unlucky dad, who, according to the teenager, was the one who actually stole school lunches.

Having taken revenge, Rodriguez fled to the Mogi das Cruzes area, known for its criminal atmosphere. There he began to earn money by teaming up with accomplices and raiding drug dens.

Under such “romantic” circumstances, Pedro met his first love, Maria Aparecida. But the unfortunate girl had to pay for her relationship with Pedro. The girl was killed by his enemies. Needless to say, Pedro tracked down and killed not only the one who did this, but also the entire gang in which the killer participated.

And despite the fact that Rodriguez once took revenge for the dismissal of his father, he did not spare him either - he killed his wife and Pedro’s mother.

He went to see his father in prison and killed him with a knife. Then he cut out the heart, chewed it and spat it out on the floor of the cell. And with all this, Pedro managed to get away unpunished.

The “vigilante” himself ended up in prison in 1973, when he was only 19 years old. And he was immediately sentenced to 126 years in prison. But according to the laws of Brazil, Rodriguez was supposed to be released after 30 years, since it was forbidden in the country to keep someone behind bars longer and do not care what the person did. It’s somehow strange, don’t you think?

And in prison, Pedro continued to methodically fulfill his self-appointed mission - he killed all pedophiles, maniacs, rapists who came across his path. During his imprisonment, he killed 47 people and no one confessed or told the prison authorities about everything: he did not want to become Rodriguez’s next victim.

The “punisher” himself was guided by the fact that he did not believe in truly “fair retribution from the state and decided to administer justice himself.”

In 2011, Rodriguez was released and was already famous throughout the world, becoming the prototype of Morgan Dexter, the hero of Jeff Lindsay's novels.

Once released, Pedro committed himself to his mission of destroying the bad guys, announcing that he would no longer lynch anyone. He even started his own video channel, where he expresses his opinion about high-profile crimes, constantly repeating that this is not something to be proud of.

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