The ghost of a Nazi general tried to strangle the Princess of Norway (5 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 0+
Today, 04:12
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

Princess Märtha Louise, daughter of King Harald of Norway, was haunted by the ghost of an SS general who shot himself in her bedroom. The 52-year-old titled lady recalled the chilling moment when she imagined Wilhelm Radish.

SS-Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Redis lived at Skaugum Castle, which belonged to the royal family, during the German occupation of Norway. After the collapse of the Third Reich, Radish committed suicide on May 8, 1945.

52-year-old Marta said that as a teenager she was haunted by the spirit of the general: every night he came to her bedroom, stared intently, and once even tried to strangle her.

The ghost of an SS general lived in Martha Louise's nursery

In an interview with the Modern Royalty podcast, she shared: "When I moved into this room, I became terribly afraid of the dark. A man would appear and look at me. I told everyone about it. Every night my nannies or parents would look behind the curtains and say, ' Look, there's no one behind the curtains. Nobody's here".

Martha didn't know the terrifying truth about the ghost until her father revealed the room's secret past decades later. He said: "This is the same room where the Nazi general committed suicide."

In the photo (from left to right): Georg Wilhelm Müller, Joseph Terboven, Vidkun Quisling and Wilhelm Redis

Radish, who lived in luxury after the invasion of Norway in 1940, was responsible for the mass deportation of Norwegian Jews to death camps.

World War II expert Asbjörn Svarstad confirmed to local media that Radish was found dead on a sofa in what later became the princess's bedroom.

Princess of Norway with her chosen one Durek Verrett

Martha Louise, a clairvoyant and fourth in line to the Norwegian throne, stepped down from royal duties in 2022 due to the controversial views of her lover Durek Verrett. A former prisoner has proclaimed himself a shaman and claims that sadness is the cause of childhood cancer.

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