Flooding of trucks did not help fix a dam break in China (3 photos + 2 videos)

11 July 2024

Starting on June 16, 2024, heavy rains began in most areas of Hunan Province, and by July 5 it became clear that all attempts by the authorities to contain the flood were unsuccessful.

At about 16:00 on July 5th, a dam was in danger of breaking on the first line of the embankment of Dongting Lake in Tuanzhou District, Huarong County, Hunan Province. At about 5:48 p.m., the embankment broke after an emergency blockade failed. The width of the breach was about 10 meters. After the flood broke the embankment, rescuers used techniques such as "flooding the car with sand" to deal with the breach.

18 trucks and about 10,000 tons of sand and gravel were sunk.

However, due to the high flood level, the embankment breach, despite all the efforts of people, continued to expand. Over the course of a day, the difference in water level inside and outside the breach reached 0.21 meters, and the length of the breach was 226 meters.

Currently, 5,755 people from nearby settlements have been safely evacuated, there are no casualties. Provincial and municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters mobilized more than 2,100 rescue workers and more than 160 boats to combat the danger.

The embankment between Tuanzhou embankment and Qiangnan embankment, located about two kilometers from the breach, is being considered as a second line of defense for this rescue operation.

Tuanzhou's embankment has previously collapsed during the 1996 floods. Time will tell whether the Chinese will be able to defend their embankment this year.

On July 6th, the Hunan Provincial Armed Police Corps sent more than 200 additional troops to the second line of defense to carry out dam strengthening and emergency repairs. According to the official in charge of Yueyang City, about 2,000 people were recruited to participate in strengthening the embankment.

Let's hope everything works out for them.

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