A Chinese man tried to illegally transport about 100 snakes in his pants (2 photos + 1 video)

11 July 2024

Some snakes turned out to be specially protected species.

A Chinese man was trying to sneak out of Hong Kong to the border city of Shenzhen. At customs they found bags of snakes in his pants. It turns out that the bags were on strings. The man tied himself with them and tried to fly to another city. This was reported by Channel News Asia.

All snakes were seized. It turned out that among them there are some that are very rare. Many species are not native. It is unknown what punishment the detainee will suffer. A total of 104 snakes were seized. All snakes are babies. Among them are baby snakes, snakes and even pythons.

China is one of the world's largest hubs for animal trafficking, but authorities have cracked down on the illegal trade in recent years. In addition, new laws have been passed that prohibit the import of new species and the export of local ones.

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