Paratroopers of the 95th Brigade defeated enemy attack aircraft from the PMC Veterans in the Toretsk direction

8 July 2024
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Zhytomyr paratroopers of the 95th brigade of the DShV defeated the assault units of the invaders who were trying to advance on the eastern outskirts of the village of Severnoe in the Toretsk direction. According to Censor.NET, a video with fragments of the defeat of the invaders was published on social networks.

"Footage of the defeat of Russian attack aircraft in the Toretsk direction. In the first part of the video, Zhytomyr paratroopers of the 95th airborne brigade with the help of drones unwind the advancing Russian groups on the eastern outskirts of Severny. Later, Ukrainian armored vehicles come into play: armored personnel carriers and a tank level houses with occupiers to the ground from the Veterans PMC, a unit formed from residents of the so-called DPR,” the author of the publication notes in the note.

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