Our soldiers on the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle defeated an entire group of Russian attack aircraft in the Avdeevsky direction

3 March 2024
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Warriors of the 47th separate mechanized brigade defeated the assault group of the 15th separate guards motorized rifle Alexandria brigade. The battle took place in the Avdeevsky direction.

A group of Russian infantry moved on an BTR-80 equipped with a “barbecue” along the entire length of the hull. The "Armor" brought the Russians to one of the houses, after which about 8 infantrymen dismounted, with a few more remaining on the BTR-80.

Having completed the task, the armored personnel carrier left the landing site, but quite quickly it was caught up by FPV drones; most likely, after the first hit, the infantrymen were killed, subsequent FPVs completely destroyed the combat vehicle.

After this, a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle drove up almost closely to the previously disembarked Russian infantrymen and began shooting at the invaders. As a result of continuous fire, a group of Russian infantry was destroyed.
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