Greece officially introduced a 6-day working week (3 photos)

6 July 2024

The country has become the first in the European Union where employers can independently nominate a “lucky person” who will also have to work on Saturday (or Sunday). In this case, the employee does not have the right to refuse.

While many countries around the world are gradually moving towards fewer working days per week, in Greece the opposite is true. Employers were given the right to exploit workers legally.

According to the rules, the provisions of the new legislation will apply to employees of companies or holdings with a 24-hour shift work system. In addition, an application for the introduction of a 6-day work cycle can be submitted by organizations where there is no 24-hour work cycle (with the exception of food industry enterprises, tourism and those companies where night shifts are practiced (from 24:00 to 6:00). To the exit Employees of educational institutions will also not be able to be forced to work on a previous day off.

In Greece, it is not excluded that the list of organizations where this system will be introduced will not include local governments, tax inspectorates, state mail, state energy and water companies, as well as other state-owned companies serving the population.

It is assumed that for leaving on the 6th day the employee will receive a payment increased by 40% of the usual one. If the sixth day coincides with a Sunday or holiday, the additional payment will increase to 115% of the normal daily wage. Working the night shift also gives you an increase in pay.

The new law also regulates provisions for the protection of workers:

the daily working day in organizations where a 6-day workday is introduced should last no more than 8 hours;

workers must have one 24-hour day off per week and 11 hours of rest daily. The last provision is intended for organizations with a shift work schedule.

Interestingly, the employer himself chooses the employee who will have to “plow” on the 6th day, and he cannot refuse.

The pro-business government said it had designed the measure to be both "worker-friendly" and "deeply pro-growth". It is reported that in this way workers will be able to receive sufficient compensation for a lost day off, and even with bonuses. In addition, the innovation will help get rid of undeclared labor. However, Greek trade unions criticize this decision. It would be better to simply increase wages - many people think, because according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), workers in Greece work more than in other countries. Thus, it is estimated that in 2022, Greeks worked on average 1886 hours, while in the USA the average is 1811 hours, in the EU - 1571 hours. At the same time, the income of Greeks is in 15th place in the EU.

In addition, the more a person works, the more mistakes he makes, which means he will be fined. Therefore, the new situation in Greece is treated without due enthusiasm.

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