Dog having an evening spa treatment

4 July 2024

A fun evening spa ritual for a dog. Sleep after such procedures will definitely be sound and of high quality.

In a world where people are ready to do anything for their four-legged friends, a new trend has emerged - an evening spa ritual for dogs. Imagine that your dog doesn't just go to bed, but goes off into the world of dreams, like a Hollywood star. First up is a manicure worthy of the Cannes Film Festival, where each claw is filed with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker. Then - cleaning the ears, as if a dog is preparing to listen to a Beethoven symphony at the Vienna Opera.

The final chord of this canine bliss is washing the paws, which is not inferior in solemnity to the coronation of the British monarch, as well as brushing the teeth with the best dog paste. It seems the only thing missing from this ritual is a glass of champagne and a red carpet from the bathroom to the bed. One can only guess what's next - pajama parties for terriers or meditation courses for pugs?

1 comment
5 July 2024
1 434 comments
Видно, що вже привчена до процедур, навіть кайфує від цього, не кожен собака на це піде, особливо стрижку пазурів.
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