Bodmin Prison, hotel and witch jackdaws (15 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
1 July 2024

This ancient prison is now an interesting tourist attraction. But her dark, bloody past cannot be called pleasant.

The prison was designed by Sir John Call in 1779 and named after the town of Bodmin. It was built using the labor of French prisoners of war and was used for 150 years. Despite its inglorious origins, the building was actually quite innovative for its time. It was the first British prison to house prisoners in separate cells.

Oil portrait of Sir John Coll from 1779 with Bodmin Gaol in the background

The population of the prison varied over the years, often reflecting changes in English society. For many years it was used as a prison for debtors, but in 1869 imprisonment for debt was abolished. However, the reason for this was not as noble as it might seem at first glance: it was mainly prohibited to make room for naval prisoners.

The naval prison eventually took over an entire wing, and this continued until it was closed in 1922. The prison itself closed just a few years later, in 1927.

Witch jackdaws

As befits a place like this with a dark past, it is associated with many mystical stories. The most famous is the story of the witch Rose Wright and her cursed birds.

Rose Wright was born in Laxulian, a small village on the edge of Bodmin Moor, in early 1811 and was known in the local community as a witch. For many years she was feared and respected in the village. The woman prepared herbal teas and potions for people to help them with their ailments. One day there was a drought, and the villagers blamed Rose, repaying her good with evil.

The woman lived near the forest, where she collected herbs for her potions. She felt lonely, ignored by the villagers she once considered friends. And over time, she found an outlet in the forest inhabitants: at least they would not betray her. Among them were jackdaws - intelligent birds who sympathized with people. They love shiny things, just like their cousins ​​the magpie. However, unlike magpies, jackdaws are fast and agile, and their more modest size allows them to penetrate the narrowest places and cause destruction.

Rose found out about this completely by accident: one of her feathered friends brought her a gift of several shillings stolen from one of the villagers. This gave Rose an idea: she could use the birds to steal money and things for her, because the herbalist was desperate and did not want to starve. The woman spent some time training her pets. They learned quickly, and soon she had collected a small pile of jewelry and coins. Of course, this did not go unnoticed by the residents of Laksulyan village. They demanded that local nobles and representatives of the law deal with the forest witch.

According to the story, Rose was arrested and imprisoned after sentencing on November 19, 1846. She was 36 years old. Upon arrival, Rose predictably fell ill due to malnutrition and dysentery caused by her poor diet. The jackdaws also flew to prison with her. The birds turned out to be quite mischievous: they harassed the guards and other prisoners, made noise at night and caused a lot of inconvenience. They tried to steal the keys to the cells from the guards, but, alas, they failed. Rose died in her damp and dirty cell on January 13, 1847, 2 months after her imprisonment, weakened and exhausted by her long-standing illness.

The jackdaws did not leave after her death. It is believed that Rose placed a curse on the prison and the town of Bodmin: “If the last jackdaw is born in Bodmin, the spirits of the condemned will rise and bring misfortune and chaos to all who live here.”

Once a dark and gloomy place, the prison has fallen into disrepair. And now several sections lie in ruins. But even in such a decayed state, it has become a tourist attraction: visitors enjoy exploring the ruins and drink alcohol with no less pleasure in the once noisy prison courtyard, where there is a bar.

In May 2021, the prison reopened as a 70-room luxury hotel on the site of the former prison cells, combining original authentic features with modern design.

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