Rammstein's show surprised plane passengers (3 photos + 4 videos)

1 July 2024

An enchanting concert using pyrotechnics took place in Dublin, and on such a scale that it was seen not only by passengers passing by the plane, but by people outside the city.

We must pay tribute to the organizers of Rammstein, they have always been able to create truly spectacular shows. Here you have lasers, fire, smoke, in short, everything your heart desires. And, of course, the atmosphere itself charges you with drive. As they say, all my neighbors will listen to good music, no matter whether they want it or not.

As fans note, the show and entertainment were top notch, the sound was top notch, and the set list was almost perfect. It’s just that those who were in the front rows got a little fried.

This time, the creativity was appreciated not only by the fans who came to see their favorite band perform, but also by the passengers on the plane. They decided that a tragedy had occurred in the city and something was exploding violently.

Honestly, if you don’t know what’s happening there on earth, it looks very alarming.

Elements of the fire show were also seen by many residents of the capital at a distance of up to 15 kilometers.

Well, the fans themselves made a very pleasant impression on the city residents.

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