Well, just look at this handsome guy. I just want to say: - Dracarys.
Meet the Crocodile Skink. Belongs to the Skinaceae family of the Tribolonotus genus.
The crocodile skink lives on the island of New Guinea. Lives in tropical rainforests, near streams and ponds. Skinks can swim well and climb trees and rocks well.
These small lizards grow up to 20 centimeters in length. The body of skinks is covered with small spines, which makes them look like dragons. But they don’t know how to breathe fire, and in general these lizards are quite friendly.
But despite its cute appearance, the Crocodile Skink is able to protect itself. For example, in case of danger, he can growl like a dog whose voice has lost its voice, from which even the most formidable predator will hasten to run away in order to save its nerve cells.
If this method does not work, then the Crocodile Skink faints and plays dead. And when the predator loses interest in the skink, the lizard comes to life again and goes about its business. Well, just talented! Wagonload of Oscars for this actor!
The crocodile skink is nocturnal and prefers to hunt at dusk.
Its diet includes insects, larvae, small spiders and worms. The Crocodile skink itself becomes a victim of snakes and birds of prey.
To be less likely to be seen by predators, the skink prefers to hide in burrows or hollow trees. There he also sets up ambushes for his own hunting.
When breeding, the female lays only one egg, but she can lay eggs every 2 months. In total, 6 dragons can be born in a year.
The female treats the laid egg very carefully. She hides the egg in a safe nest, and if it seems to her that the place is not protected enough, then she can hide the egg in another nest. After 2 months, a tiny cub will hatch from the egg and the female will take care of it for some time until the baby begins an independent life.
After 3 years, the cub will reach puberty and continue its dragon lineage. In total, the Crocodile skink lives about 10-14 years.
Some people keep these beautiful lizards at home, in a specially equipped terrarium. In general, the Crocodile skink is quite popular among terrarium hobbyists.
This is the Crocodile Skink that lives in New Guinea.