The Boeing 737 plane crashed for 15 minutes due to a failure in the pressure system

Category: Aviation, PEGI 0+
29 June 2024

The passenger filmed what was happening in the cabin during the accident.

The Korea Air plane experienced a pressure loss and plunged nearly 30,000 feet in just 15 minutes. Terrified passengers put on oxygen masks and prepared for the worst.

It is reported that the airliner took off from Incheon International Airport (South Korea) at 16:45 local time on Saturday, June 22, and was heading to the city of Taichung. Just 30 minutes later, while the Boeing was over the Korean island of Jeju, the system suddenly crashed.

The plane descended to 26,900 feet in just 15 minutes, according to FlightRadar. As a result of the incident, 17 passengers complained of deterioration in health, in particular pain in the eardrums.

After an emergency landing, the flight to Taichung International Airport was rescheduled to Sunday, June 23.

Representatives of Korean Air said they are in constant contact with passengers.

"We are cooperating with all relevant authorities to investigate the circumstances of the incident. We have provided comprehensive support to the injured passengers, including accommodation, meals and transfers. We apologize for this incident," the statement said.

By the way, aircraft manufacturer Boeing is currently going through hard times due to a number of accidents related to faulty aircraft.

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1 July 2024
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