Z-blogger brags about how he ratted out a girl in occupied Berdyansk for speaking Ukrainian

28 June 2024

Russian Z-blogger Kirill Fedorov, together with a friend, boasted about the story of how they handed over to the basement a girl from occupied Berdyansk, who worked at a gas station and spoke to them in Ukrainian. Her whole guilt was that she told the Russian Nazis the Ukrainian phrase “attach a card.” The corresponding video was published by journalist Denis Kazansky, Censor.NET reports.

As the journalist notes, the fact that Russian Z-patriots find special pleasure in torturing defenseless women has long been no secret. They do this regularly in Russia too. The main thing in these words is that they prove: genocide is taking place in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

“The occupiers persecute and torture people not even for their actions or political views, but simply for the fact of belonging to the Ukrainian people. If you speak Ukrainian, you are a Ukrainian, such sadists will take you to the basement, torture you and happily boast about it on their streams, knowing that in Russia nothing will happen to them for this,” writes Kazansky.

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