Curious photos from the past of Asian countries (21 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

I present to you 20 colorized photographs that were taken throughout the twentieth century in Asian countries, such as China, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand.

Fish shop in Hong Kong, 1946

A seated man among baskets of fish and hanging dried fish. Eastern region of Hong Kong Island.

A makeshift operating room in a mangrove swamp on the Ca Mau Peninsula, Vietnam, 1970s

In the photo, a US bombing victim, ethnic Cambodian guerrilla Dan Son Huol, is carried into a makeshift operating room in a mangrove swamp on the Ka Mau Peninsula. This scene was a real medical situation, not an advertisement.

Little Japanese girl next to a Christmas tree, 1914

The girl from the photograph is wearing traditional socks - “tabi”, which can still be bought today. The thumb is separated specifically for the convenience of wearing geta shoes.


Japanese girls show their attitude towards British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Tokyo, 1941.

A worker at a British ironworks. Hong Kong, 1941

Souvenir seller, Nagano, Japan. 1930

King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) of Thailand at his daughter's birthday party. Bangkok, 1960

Rama the 9th was the penultimate king of Thailand. He ruled the country from 1946 until his death in 2016, and was very popular among the people of the country.

Ladies of easy virtue waiting for clients. China, 1946

South Vietnamese soldiers cross a stream in the Mekong Delta. March 11, 1972

The war was characterized by heavy casualties, widespread destruction, and the use of unconventional war tactics such as Napalm and Agent Orange.

"Agent Orange" is a chemical weapon with which American troops literally burned out mangrove forests and people.

Ainu, early 20th century

The Ainu are the indigenous people of the Japanese islands.

An orphan girl with her little brother amid the ruins of a city during the Korean War, 1950

Instant noodle factory in Japan, 1960s

Pictured is the company that invented instant noodles - Chikin Ramen in 1958. In 1971, they came up with the idea of ​​selling noodles in cup packaging. Now instant noodles are sold all over the world.

Girls walk in the rain. Tokyo, Japan, 1969

Japanese girl carrying her little brother on her back. 1908


A Vietnamese commando bites a sugar cane stalk. December 1953.

A soldier serving the warlord Feng Yuxiang. China, 1927

In a Chinese reserved seat, 1970s

Now in China they also use a 3-tier reserved seat.

Japanese dancers on the roof of the theater. Tokyo, 1949

Hong Kong in the 1950s

The mid-20th century, roughly from the 1940s to the 1960s, was a key period for Hong Kong. The city has seen enormous changes shaped by the aftermath of World War II, the rise of communism in China, and the city's own evolving identity. Which, by the beginning of the 21st century, allowed it to become one of the leading global cities and financial center of the world.

Man selling brooms and baskets, Japan, 1890

The store offers “everything for the home” with home delivery.

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