Smart crows terrorize cities, attacking people and causing power outages (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

Many people are afraid to leave the house for fear of being attacked by birds. Clever crows may also be responsible for 103 blackouts.

South Korean cities are being terrorized by gangs of "smart" crows who are causing power outages and attacking local residents.

Many people live in fear amid increasing attacks by birds that swoop down on them and begin to peck at them. According to the Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco), smart crows may also be responsible for 103 blackouts in the country over the past three years. They cause so much harm that the government has designated them as "vermin." According to local media, the last power outage caused by birds occurred on June 13 in Busan. The bird attack left about 500 homes and a nearby school without power for two hours.

Korea believes that crows must be the culprits, as some were found electrocuted near damaged poles.

Local residents say bird attacks have become commonplace. One man reported being attacked by a crow while he was trying to help another man who was injured by the birds. Many people are afraid to leave the house for fear of being attacked by birds.

"I was putting an injured crow on a flower pot when another crow hit me on the head. I was puzzled when it came back and pecked me several times," he said.

The publication notes that the main troublemakers are large-beaked crows, which can reach 57 cm in length. They usually feed on tree fruits, insects and rotten meat, and in cities, food waste. They pose a threat to energy facilities because they nest and feed near them.

However, few people try to catch them due to a lack of incentives. The central government offers rewards for the capture of other species classified as pests, such as wild pigs, but not crows.

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