Bust of Emperor Caligula, lost for 200 years, found: madness seen in his eyes (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
26 June 2024

The bust of the Roman emperor was found during excavations of Herculaneum, which was burned during the eruption of Vesuvius.

An ancient bronze bust of Roman Emperor Caligula was lost for almost 200 years after it was found in the ashes of Vesuvius.

The 12cm tall bust was originally found during excavations at Herculaneum, a Roman city that was destroyed by the infamous eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. Experts suggest that the bust of Caligula was cast shortly before or after the death of the Roman emperor, about 2 thousand years ago.

The bust depicts Caligula with a high forehead, thin lips and a small mouth, and a prominent chin. Experts also note that the eyes of the sculpture unmistakably convey the madness of the Roman emperor.

Caligula was the third representative of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, who was known for his riotous lifestyle and incest. He was killed in 41 AD. closest associates as a result of the palace coup.

"The discovery of the bust of Caligula is an exciting event. Every object we manage to find helps us better understand their secret life," says Oxford University historian Silvia Davoli, who managed to rediscover the bust.

Although it is still unknown when the bust was cast, scientists do know that it was the first of the objects excavated at Herculaneum in the 17th century.

Next, the bust of Caligula in the 18th century was presented to the famous English writer and politician Horace Walpole.

It is known that Walpole admired the expressiveness of Caligula's face. In his opinion, the emperor was captured "at the beginning of his madness."

Walpole kept the bust of Caligula, like his other treasures, in his Strawberry Hill House.

After his death, the bust remained in the Walpole family for some time and was then resold to collectors. After this, the trace of the priceless find was lost for almost 200 years.

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