Engineering solutions in India that raise more questions than answers (13 photos)

26 June 2024

Japanese engineers are undoubtedly the shadowy geniuses of humanity. Boot umbrellas and electric chopsticks are all unbeatable. But if the Japanese like to solve everyday problems in the most strange, technologically advanced, but inconvenient way possible, then Indian engineers like to do work without imagining its final functionality.

This bridge under construction in India has collapsed at least twice. There are not enough specialists to first calculate the load and then build

These are two completely different approaches to work. And each one is worth appreciating for its uniqueness. I offer a selection of sinister solutions by Indian engineers, put directly into practice.

Pedestrian crossing with speed bumps. From motorcycles, you say. But no, curbs are successfully used for this. This is so that strollers and bicycles do not feel that they are equal to two-legged people.

The staircase that you saw in surrealist paintings. At first people thought it was a conceptual embodiment of a postmodern drawing. But it turned out that this was a real staircase in a house under construction.

But the building and garden of the Supreme Court of India seem to have been designed by British infiltrators. It looks too mocking from the air.

Trees in the middle of the road

And no signs!

India protects every living creature (except people, it seems). Because roads with trees right in the middle, without fences or warning signs, are quite a common occurrence in India.

There's at least some whitewash here

All you have to do is sigh: that’s the way it is here. And never drive in India at dusk.

These are blurred footage of another accident due to such careful attitude

The culture of attitude towards railways there is also special. There are not enough of them in the country, the population is growing rapidly, industrialization requires workers in cities, which must be reached on overcrowded trains.

The train is strong, it can handle it

And they are overcrowded because some engineers ruined projects during the construction stage.


I can't blame the Indians here. They have a very tense situation with toilets, especially public ones.

There is no respect for human dignity, and here one can see a desire to provide at least some privacy for the “toilet brothers.”

And this is probably a joke after all. But you can never be completely sure!

When the sink is new and fashionable, but you decide to install an old faucet. The opposite is also true.

The need for invention is cunning. How to get inside? With difficulties.

Overall, the Japanese are winning so far, but the Indians also have great potential for ingenuity. Only the Japanese have such an invention from an overabundance, and the Indians have such an invention from a shortage and lack of resources.

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