A man bought a car on credit, but did not pay an additional 60 cents: now he has $18 thousand in debt (2 photos + 1 video)

21 June 2024

After seven months of disputes, Manny Munoz was still unable to resolve the conflict with the insurance company, which is why he turned to the experts.

American Manny Muñoz from Peoria (Arizona, USA) bought a BMW X5 car worth $60,000 in 2020, but due to an unfortunate mistake he did not pay an additional 60 cents. The man’s surprise knew no bounds when this became the reason for the refusal of payments under the insurance policy.

As it turns out, Manny sent the dealer a check for $60,517.26 (60 cents less than the sticker price), but it went unnoticed until last November, when the man was involved in a car accident and his insurance company, Safe-Guard Products, took advantage of the discrepancy to not pay the full amount of compensation.

“The request was denied because the loan amount did not match the contract amount,” complained Muñoz, who took out a contingency insurance policy.

The American was explained that the amount must match down to the penny for the policy to be valid. In the end, he was paid only $26,709, although the full compensation should have been $45,000.

After seven months of arguing, Manny was unable to resolve the conflict with the insurance company, so he turned to the experts of the AZfamily program “On Your Side” and its host Gary Harper.

The man says he won't rest until he receives a check for the amount he owes - $18,651.

“I have no problem with patience. I’ll wait,” he noted.

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