The oldest woman in the world turns 124 (6 photos)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
21 June 2024

Brazilian Amantina dos Santos Duvirgem was born six months before the death of Queen Victoria. The woman’s documents confirm this: according to them, she was born in 1900. On June 22, Amantina will celebrate her 124th birthday at a party organized for her by social workers.

Amantina dos Santos Duvirgem, also known as Doña Julia, was born on June 22, 1900, exactly six months before Queen Victoria's death, according to pension records. This makes her the oldest living person in the world.

Duvirgem lives in Serra Guayas, Paraná state. Her social worker, Helen Cristina Pereira, says she does not have diabetes, headaches or high blood pressure. She eats boiled eggs and Bolo de Polvilho, a traditional local cake made from cassava flour.

“Doña Julia does not take medication and has almost no gray hair. She loves wearing earrings and bracelets,” Helen adds.

Officials at the mayor's office of the city of Tibagi in the state of Campos Gerais do Parana are planning to organize a special party for the centenarian on June 27, a few days after the official date of birth.

Although her age is recognized by the Brazilian government, Dona Julia was not included in the Guinness Book of Records due to a mix-up with her birth certificate. However, her birthday was confirmed by statements from four people over 70 years of age who had known her for at least 20 years.

“Doña Julia is the oldest woman in the world, the only thing missing is recognition from the official record holders,” the mayor’s office said a year ago.

According to Brazilian news outlet Banda B, Duvirgem spent much of her life on the streets and was adopted at the age of 100 by a woman named Maria Ednir de Almeida.

Last year, Duvirgem's 123rd birthday was also celebrated on a grand scale: the authorities of the state of Paraná organized a celebration for her in the hall of the San Sebastian Chapel.

Currently, the Guinness record holder as the oldest person in the world is officially recognized by American-born Spaniard Maria Brañas Morera, who turned 117 years old on March 4 this year.

Morera was born in San Francisco (USA) in 1907, and moved to Catalonia (Spain) as a child. She spent the last 22 years of her life in a nursing home there.

Maria Brañas Morera, 2022

Morera, who has three children, 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, attributes her longevity to “order, calmness” and “staying away from toxic people.”

Maria Brañas Morera on her wedding day at the age of 24

Despite her age, she is active on social networks and enjoys playing the piano.

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