Down with the cage: Bark Airline gives pets first-class flight conditions (29 photos)

21 June 2024

About 30% of families have dogs, and more than 50% have pets at all. Traveling is an important part of life, so pets are either left under supervision or taken with them. However, flying can be exhausting for both dogs and humans. It’s painful to imagine the horror your pet experiences in the luggage compartment of an airplane. BARK Air has introduced the first flights where instead of stress, dogs can expect comfort, snacks, a spa and much more.

Bark vice president of brand marketing Dave Stangl said, "Of course, some airlines allow dogs in the cabin. But for Bark Air, dogs are royalty."

An airline for dogs has appeared in the USA

Flying can be scary and dangerous for pets

"BARK Air's planes and flights are designed to put dogs first."

Before boarding, passengers have the opportunity to meet and get acquainted

Each four-legged animal is issued a passport

Passengers take their seats and the real fun begins, full of treats, toys, spa treatments

The hosts will also enjoy a delicious lunch and drinks.

Available flights: Los Angeles - New York - London

BARK Air is ready to change the future of traveling with pets for the better

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