Payback for unearthly beauty: the tribe of Butung Island (5 photos)

21 June 2024

The image of a classic representative of an Indonesian tribe is quite familiar: very tanned or black skin, dark eyes, half-naked or completely naked bodies. But on Butung Island things are a little different.

Such eyes, the color of a translucent blue sky, are not a gift at all. This is a noticeable sign of Voordenburg syndrome, which has a great impact on the human body. Following bright pigmentation, the carrier of the syndrome becomes either partially or completely deaf.

And all because of intra-family marriages. Yes, yes, to put it simply - incest.

The syndrome affects not only the eyes and hearing. Very often, a single strand of hair turns gray in people quite early, and their nose is usually very straight (it is also called Greek).

Some islanders may have heterochromic eyes: one eye is bright blue and the other is the usual brown. Both options look very attractive. In general, almost every representative of this tribe is literally a textbook on genetic mutations.

First and second cousins ​​in Butung get married all the time. It is difficult to determine the percentage of deaf representatives of the tribe, since they are not very eager to be friends with doctors and generally somehow touch civilization.

Representatives of the tribe would deservedly take their places on magazine covers and catwalks, but they do not want to leave their native Butung.

The island's society is not hostile - they always welcome guests and do not mind photographs. But besides the people inhabiting the island themselves, there is something to capture there: the islanders build their houses very tall, beautiful and not a single nail. And by the way, they love pineapples.

They live in pleasure and do not at all strive to leave their solitude for the illusory opportunity to see the big world.

Voordenburg syndrome affects one in 42 thousand people, that is, it is very rare, which frees the islanders from the invasion of scientists and doctors. It is too expensive and troublesome to build laboratories to study people with blue eyes in order to understand how to cure (and whether it is even possible) people with the syndrome.

But their appearance is truly unique and one of the most beautiful in the world.

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