“Love wins”: the world’s shortest spouses set a world record (3 photos)

13 June 2024

Paulo is 31 years old and only 90 cm tall; his wife, 28-year-old Katusia, is 1 cm taller than her husband. The couple met on social networks. At first they corresponded for some time, and a few years later they got married.

Brazilians Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Katusia Li Hoshino are listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest married couple in the world. People on social media are gushing about their love story.

The total height of the couple is only 181.41 cm. At the same time, 31-year-old Paulo is 90.28 cm tall, and 28-year-old Katusia is 91.13 cm tall. They met on the Internet in 2006 and have since spent many years in happy love . They are now the shortest couple to get married since records began.

"We may be short, but we have big hearts and a lot of love for each other, as well as everyone in our lives. Our lives are not without challenges, but we are so happy that we can overcome these challenges together," the lovers say.

People leaving comments on the Guinness World Records Instagram post about the winners focused more on the couple's love than their height. One user wrote: "Love wins." Another wrote: "Very sweet. Congratulations to you both!"

However, there were those who drew attention to the very low growth of the couple. One wrote: "They're both the same height as me."

Meanwhile, another added: "They're shorter than most people combined."

Paulo and Katusia got married on September 17, 2016 and have been in the spotlight for 7 years now, ever since they were first awarded a record diploma. The pair also appeared in a YouTube video after they first won the award.

Speaking about their relationship previously, Paulo said: "I was very beautiful from the first moment I saw her." However, the feelings were not mutual.

Katusia first blocked Paulo on Orkut (a messaging platform that no longer exists), where they met. The guy had to make an effort to win the girl. The couple then continued chatting until they met in person on December 20, 2008.

The couple were long distance for four years before Catusia moved from her hometown of Londrina to Paulo, Itapeva, in 2012, and soon decided she wanted to be together forever.

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