A little girl came into school and said: “Mom doesn’t wake up” (8 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
13 June 2024

5-year-old Poppy Davis found her mother Leisha unconscious in the bedroom of their home in Pontlanfraith, UK. The girl spent the night next to her mother, and in the morning she came to school for help.

A couple of weeks before, Leisha suffered from a volvulus and was operated on. After returning to work, she began to feel unwell and had swelling of her face and legs. At that time, the woman had no idea that she would suffer from septic shock.

The last thing she remembers before losing consciousness is Poppy walking around her in a princess dress.

"My daughter spent the whole night with me, she didn't know what to do. On the morning of the 19th, she was in a princess dress, put on boots and a small crown. Poppy opened the front door and walked up to the gates of the school, located right next to our house. She entered the classroom and told the teacher: “Mom is lying on the floor, and I can’t wake her up.”

The girl's two teachers went into the house and found Leisha on the floor, after which they called an ambulance. Poppy was dressed in a school uniform and taken to study while doctors fought to save her mother's life.

Davis was taken to Grange Hospital in Cwembran where it was discovered she was in septic shock and only 15% of one lung was working. The patient's heart stopped twice and she was put into an induced coma. Leisha required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and was transferred to Bristol Royal Infirmary.

Leisha and her parents Sian and Stuart

"I heard my mother and husband talking to me, and it created an alternative reality in my mind. When I woke up (three weeks later), I could not move, I had a tracheostomy, and I could not speak. My mother was stroking my hair and asked, “Are you okay?” I nodded and they realized I was back. For three weeks they didn’t know if my brain was damaged.”

Leisha Davis with her husband and daughter

The woman faces amputation of her feet. She credits Poppy with saving her life, as well as the medical staff who cared for her.

"I'm incredibly proud of her. Because of all these events, I didn't see my daughter for a whole month, but when she came and saw me, I just burst into tears. She seemed so mature to me, and I felt like I had missed out on so much. But I was grateful for the fact that I am here, that my daughter has a mother, and my mother has a daughter,” admitted Leisha.

"I always tell Poppy, 'You're my hero, you saved Mum's life.' She loves it when I say that. The nurses gave her a coat, which was really nice."

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