A phrase from a 4-year-old daughter made a woman lose 60 kg (7 photos)

25 September 2017

The little daughter of 36-year-old Englishwoman Gemma Simons pushed her mother to take the most decisive step in her life and the most impressive transformation with one phrase. In a public place, a 4-year-old girl said something that literally woke up the woman: she forgot about tons of chocolate and took care of herself!

Results: Gemma’s weight a year ago was 127 kg. She has lost about 63 kg and currently weighs 64.

Gemma, a mother of many children, was always jokingly called “Big Gemma” because of her size. The woman admits that with the advent of four children, she neglected herself: “I adored chocolate and easily ate two bars of tea for breakfast. I had a desire to lose weight for a long time, but criticism from my daughter Eva became the final impetus on the path to drastic changes.”

From one phrase from her daughter, Gemma could not hold back her tears.

Moment X happened in a hair salon. Mom was dyeing her hair, and Eva suddenly said: “Mom, you are so lucky, you have breasts both in front and behind!” and began to feel the folds on the woman’s back in front of the staff and 10 other clients.

Out of shame, Gemma could not hold back her tears: “If I hadn’t been sitting in a chair with foil on my hair, I would have gotten up and run away,” the woman recalls. “Instead, I tried to be patient, but tears treacherously flowed down my cheeks. Eve without In the end she asked why I was crying. And I thought and was horrified, how did I come to this.”

Now the mother is extremely grateful to her daughter for the “magic kick” that she so needed

The story of weight loss itself is not supernatural: sports and nutrition! Gemma replaced her favorite chocolate, sugar, lasagna, and high-calorie salads with healthy, light dishes. The special Cambridge Weight Plan program helped her with nutrition.

Gemma also decided to become an example for her children: “I don’t want my children to adopt my bad eating habits and face similar problems in the future,” says the woman.

The woman is “absolutely happy in her new body,” and little Eva can’t get enough of how beautiful her mom has become!

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